Netcomm Forum Live
Netcomm Forum is the most relevant event for the Italian digital industry, which in fifteen years has accompanied the development of e-commerce, online communication and digitalization of companies.
Promoted by Netcomm, the Italian Digital Commerce Consortium, Netcomm Forum is a unique opportunity for the digital ecosystem to meet and discuss the issues of e-commerce, digital retail and business innovation stimulated by the ever-changing digital landscape.
Netcomm Forum involves every year about 15,000 international companies, offers more than 100 moments of deepening and hosts over 200 sponsor companies to discover data, trends, technologies and the most innovative success stories related to the digital evolution of retail.
Also this year the event will be hosted in a completely digital environment, thanks to the subsidy of the Liveforum.space platform.
Fashion & Lifestyle: experience as a driving force for restarting
After almost two years of great difficulty, Fashion & Lifestyle companies are questioning themselves to understand how to rethink their strategies and activities. The biggest challenge is to become producers of material goods "augmented" by their digital components, in order to allow consumers a complete and engaging experience both in presence and at a distance. Pure e-commerce is a thing of the past, retail disconnected from the digital context is a mode with no future. In an always connected world, only hominicanity can guarantee development and growth to Fashion&Lifestyle brands.
Food & Grocery: online, sustainable, fast
The years 2020 and 2021 marked a turning point in food & grocery e-commerce, which is the fastest growing and most dynamic competitive sector. Online offerings have grown exponentially by food & grocery retailers, product brands, delivery services and innovative new business models have arrived in Italy. Consumers have discovered the convenience of digital services for food products, from home delivery to click&collect and the time dedicated online to food has exploded. The event will be an opportunity to learn about and discuss the dimensions, dynamics and peculiarities of a complex market in profound change.
On-Life Health:towards a more connected and valuable health care
The digital evolution that began to take hold in recent years has now become a priority to which the Italian health system wants to strive effectively and rapidly. The prospects enabled by digitization for the health ecosystem are many and extremely promising, but require a systemic vision and a major change by all actors involved in order to achieve a redefinition of the health network able to increase health and the quality of health services offered to people. The event will be an opportunity to reflect and debate on a future of health increasingly connected, integrated and able to generate value for people.
NETCOMM Consortium
Netcomm, the Italian Digital Commerce Consortium, is a reference point for e-commerce and digital retail both within Italy and internationally. Established in 2005, it brings together more than 400 businesses, including international organizations and high-performing small and medium enterprises. Netcomm promotes the development of e-commerce and digital transformation while creating value for customers and the Italian economy as a whole.
Netcomm is one of the founding members of the association Ecommerce Europe.

The main areas in which Netcomm is engaged include
- e-commerce research and analysis;
- promotion of workshops and other events;
- organization of working groups that analyze the regulations and economics of the leading e-commerce industries and other relevant issues, while also lobbying Italian and international authorities;
- assisting member companies with legal and fiscal consulting and other member services;
- communication and training throughout Italy;
- assisting Italian businesses in their internationalization efforts;
- promoting digital skills for consumers and tools that can support online shopping, such as Netcomm Sigillo, which identifies high quality and reliable e-commerce websites.