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BrainControl is a brand owned by LiquidWeb Srl, a company founded in Siena in 2010 and operating in the HCI (Human Computer Interface) sector. The BrainControl project has been receiving funds from the European Union since 2020 thanks to the Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme. Moreover, in 2020 it was awarded the best start-up prize within the Med Tech category of B Heroes, a TV show for innovation and the promotion of new business through mentorship, investments, net-working and communication.We are a young and dynamic company, proud of the work we carry out and deeply motivated by the belief that we can really help people improving the quality of their life.Empathy, a willingness to listen and the attitude to cooperation are the core values of our business.
BrainControl AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) is a range of CE class I medical devices specifically conceived to help people hit by serious disabilities with limited degrees of mobility to regain self-confidence and improve the quality of life, communicate with the outside world and feel “alive” again.
The range of BrainControl AAC devices articulates in three different solutions, compatible with different degrees of mobility and ability to interact of the patient.